A writer's life

Since I wrote the last blog, I’ve been to Cyprus, visiting all the places that are featured in my latest book, Life Happens. I found myself thinking, that’s where Zach and Rachel argued (spoiler alert!) or that’s the taverna where they had that wonderful meal - until I realised that, of course, the characters don’t really exist! They become so real when you’re writing a book; you live and breathe them for SO long that they are like real-life companions. It’s like when you watch a long series on Netflix - when you come to the end, you feel a little bereft - well, I do! When your characters’ journey ends, they live on in your mind and you can’t help wondering how their lives have turned out. That’s really why I ended up writing the Aphrodite Trilogy; I realised that the ending of Aphrodite’s Child left too much unanswered and there was so much more to say. Should I write a sequel to Life Happens? Answers below please!

There are two types of writers apparently - one type plans everything meticulously before they start and one type that lets the story develop as they go along. Which one am I? Can you guess?! I’m definitely of the latter variety. I have a very general idea to start with - I think of the characters, the setting and the general plot but as I write, ideas come to me and somehow it all slots into place. Peter, my husband, is great for discussing ideas with. We go on long walks with our Labrador, Mabel, and in between ball-throwing, I’ll throw suggestions at him and we talk about how they could develop. He comes up with his own ideas too; I’ll mull them over and say yes or no. He’s got some great plot ideas but there’s no way he would ever want to write a novel.

I often wonder what sort of person wants to subject themselves to sitting for hours in front of an empty screen. It’s such a solitary business and very daunting. The screen stays empty unless you start typing. If any of you ever get the urge to have a go, just write something and you’ll find the words will flow. Often, the first thing you write isn’t what you use but it’s got you typing, that’s the main thing. I’ve decided I’m quite an introvert really and I think a lot of writers are. I enjoy being with other people of course, but the thought of ever having to speak in front of people is horrendous. I’m very happy on my own, in my kitchen, tapping away with Mabel by my feet. I can write about people who don’t exist who have all the characteristics I haven’t got! I’d love to have been like Grace in Life Happens - a brilliant musician who feels totally at home performing on a stage. Or like Leo, her husband, the talented barrister who wows the courtroom with his physical presence and his intelligence. Or like Rachel, the stunningly attractive one … or Jen, the amazing sporty one! It’s great, I can invent all sorts of characters that I can live through!

I wonder how many of you who are reading this, have read Life Happens yet? The paperback is out now if you’ve been waiting for that! It was so exciting when the package arrived and the physical book lay on the table where I’d sat for hours writing it. When I put it on the top of the other four books sitting on my dresser, I was secretly impressed that I’d written so much over the past few years. Goodness knows where it all came from. They say you shouldn’t regret anything in your life, but I do regret that I didn’t find writing earlier. When I was young, I studied English Literature at Birmingham but then, the choices were pretty limited - secretary, teacher, nurse. I’m sure I would have loved to have been in publishing or a literary agent or an editor or journalist but somehow those options never entered my mind. I ended up teaching English … I can truly say, I hated it. As I said before, I’m a bit of an introvert and standing in front of thirty children scared the life out of me. Still, I’ve found writing late in life and I’m trying to make up for lost time.

This blog is a case in point as to how I write - I had no idea what I was going to write about when I started but it just emerged from somewhere. Maybe it seems rambling to you. Let me know!

If you’ve got to the end, thank you for reading. I hope you’re all having a great summer. Glastonbury and Wimbledon coming up - I always love this time of year. (I wonder if Grace would be on the pyramid stage is she really existed?!)

Please write to me at sarahcknights@me.com with any questions or just for a chat.

Until the next time.